Sunday, June 17, 2007

work work work work

I'm bored and I'm at work and I haven't had a day off in 8 days and whine whine, bitch, moan and complain. Yesterday I had to sit through two talks and take pictures and I learned waaay more than I ever wanted to know about the mineral specimens that come out of the Elmwood zinc mine in Tennessee. One of which is pictured here - which is the mineral specimen and which is the speaker? Damn good question, really. Yesterday I was tired and cranky; today I'm awake and cranky and I'm not sure which is worse.

Other than that, I have nothing new to report. I've been staying home and reading and Django has been trashing the yard. He destroyed my watering can, which is now in a million pieces around the yard and he took my new bright green bra off my dresser and is carrying it around. It turned out to be too small anyway and was on clearance so I couldn't have returned it, but still. There's something terribly embarrassing about trying to chat with your gardening (male) neighbor while your dog is traipsing around you with a lime green bra dangling from his jowls. It occurs to me that rather than bother with going shopping I should probably just hand Django ten dollar bills to eat. He also peed on my bed at some point yesterday - little fucker. He hasn't done that in a long time and I think maybe it was because he spent Friday at the vet's but really, there's no excuse and of course I didn't discover it until I went to bed and then had to track down clean sheets and scrub the futon with Dr. Bronners and flip it over and all that fun shit that you really, really want to be doing at 10:30 at night when you're exhausted. So I closed my bedroom door today.

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