Wednesday, March 28, 2007

project 365 #87: nest in the redbud tree

Today's image is brought to you by the month of March, the spring, little things that go tweet and so on. Look! There's a nest in my redbud tree. I don't know what kind of nest it is and whether or not there's anything in it - besides bees; there are always a million of bees in the redbud - but it's just so cute. Dumb - it's totally exposed and there are hawks around - but cute. In other cuteness news, Django brought us a large rubber duck today. He knows every way out of the fence (there are many) and he has, apparently, an agenda he follows around the neighborhood every day. Sometimes this agenda involves bringing home new playthings, like a rubber duck. Or a shoe; that's less good. But you never know - I'm living in hope that one day he'll come bounding up onto the couch with a diamond necklace or, less traceable, a nice leather briefcase full of cash.

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