Saturday, February 10, 2007

project 365 #40: theo by the river in the morning

This is a boring picture for yesterday, Friday: what turned out to be a decidedly unboring day and evening. Do you realize that just three weeks ago I was bemoaning my dull and boring life and how every day things were just exactly the same, starting with taking the dogs to the park in the morning and then going to work and so on? Jesus. Imagine that. Somehow or other, in the last three weeks my whole life has changed weirdly and my head is all full of crazy stuff which I won't go into in this blog (sorry, dear readers. Sucks to be you when I'm on a confidentiality kick.) and then, of course, there's still, at the bottom, loss and grief and shit.

It's weird how life can bushwhack your ass, sneak up on you and toss you in the pigpen. You know, for a moment there you're flying - and then you're in a world of shit. Some of the shit I am currently experiencing is fun, if somewhat dangerous, shit and some of it just makes me sad and some of it is, like, holy shit! But at least I'm not, for the nonce, bored.

Hungover, yes. Bored, no.


richat said...

Life's a bugger at time, eh MGL? I'm deep into a nasty ol' funk myself right now, and it seems many are this year. Of course, your last few weeks have been a lot to handle. It's good to see that you are back to walking the dog again. I mean that more figuratively than literally, but hey, I might mean it both ways!

Anonymous said...

ok, this pg-13 bloggie sucks and it sucks to be me because I can only imagine what you must be holding back!