Then, in the evening, the kids and I went and had a festive dinner at Sunny Point, which I always thought was about the best restaurant in Asheville. I still think that - for breakfast/lunch/brunch. Dinner was not as all fired incredible as I had hoped it would be. It was good, but it wasn't great. I had the stuffed trout special, which came with mashed potatos. The whole thing was sitting in a stone cold sauce (so cold, in fact, that I am assuming it was meant to be cold) and honestly it was kind of gluey and all of it was white. Some lemon, something lighter, something with some zing would have been a good addition. M had a chicken breast with kalamata olives over risotto and while that was delicious, it was way too rich and not really as good as the chicken/olive/artichoke thing that I make from time to time. The risotto itself was really really good though, and you can't fake a risotto. A had a Cobb salad which was huge and, bonus, cheap. Go for the salad.
So after dinner, stuffed and logey, I went on over to Drinking Liberally and had a fantastic awesome time, even though, or possibly because, Screwy Hoolie stood up in the middle of it and announced that it was my birthday in a loud voice which carried across all of Jack of the Wood and then the entire bar sang Happy Birthday to me while I stood there and turned extremely bright red. Then people bought me drinks; my awesome astrologer friend J brought me a copy of my birth chart and we talked for a long time; my other friend J showed up, which she hardly ever does; I ran into yet another one of my friends J who I hardly ever see, along with a bunch of the old bluegrass jam people I also hardly ever see anymore; my friend C recited poetry at me and while I was sitting talking to my friend M I met a guy with the same birthday as me. So it was really fun, big fun and when I got home M and I watched The Lost World (he was incredulous at first at the simple beautiful badness of it, but he's hooked now too) and then I went to sleep. Ah birthdays.
And now, what is almost the best part, I am looking for a digital camera, because I also got some birthday money, hooray, hooray, and instead of being sensible and saving it to spend on bills and food and boring shit like that, I am going to blow it on myself and buy a nice camera. I've just been researching and while what I really want is an SLR, I don't think I can afford even a used one, damn damn, but oh well. So please, help me out here. I want the closest thing to an SLR I can get for under $400; I want to take awesome incredible photos that are much better than my usual photos. I would really like the ability to do macros, as well as a good zoom and I think I need at least 5 megapixels, since I really want to start doing a lot more high res, print quality stuff instead of all the mostly web things I usually do. Recommendations? Thoughts? Comments? Speak to me! Help me get the camera that I will have forever and love!
Ariel is very happy with her camera but it runs almost all of your $400. Take a look around the bhphoto.com site and see what you can get. We like our little 6 meg Casio pocket cam which is only about 300 + another 25 for a better memory. BH has a Sony SLR digital for under $400:
the www for BH looks like it got cut off - just cruise around www.bhphoto.com
DaShiv recently gave me some good advice on MeCha about digital cameras and I chose a Panasonic FZ7, which is fantastic - much better than a point-and-click but not as complicated as a SLR.
Oh, and happy birthday :-)
i'm glad your b-day was a good one.
we'll see you tonight!
Cool thanks for the info!! That BHPhoto site is very cool. I've kind of narrowed it down to these t any comments? Last night while researching I came across several people who were really unhappy with the Sony and since I have been trying to boycott them ever since the spyware/CD fiasco anyway I said, No Sony. I like Canons - I wanted the Canon Digital Rebel SLR but it's $700 after all is said & done, and that just ain't happening, alas. But the shopping is SO much fun; I'm enjoying myself.
I'd go with the Canon. That was one of the ones DaShiv recommended. It was a close thing between that and the Panasonic. But in the end it came down to the fit/feel in my (tiny) hands. The Canon was bulkier in my grip and I liked the feel of the Panasonic better.
Make sure you go to a store and pick them up and play about with them before you buy. I did that, and although I was going to buy online, I talked the guy into selling me the camera at the price I could've bought it for on the web.
Happy birthday, Fliss!
Steve's Digicams - http://www.steves-digicams.com/best_cameras.html - does great reviews, look at their best of (10-12X Optical "Super" Zooms) and essexjan is absolutely right. Go to Circuit City or someother place and handle them (but don't buy there). Remember, a camera that doesn't feel right you won't be taking with you...
great fun!
I just ordered the Canon from Amazon - even with shipping it's $50 less than getting it at Best Buy. Nobody around here had the Konica to check out & the Canon was fabulous, and, whooo hooo! Look for my flickr photos to miraculously improve soon! I'm so excited!
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