Peonies aren't in bloom very long, so I don't have very long to attract a mate. Story of my life: time is limited, bloom is fading. Damn. Peonies also have this terrible tendency to be crawling with ants, which I really hope isn't carried over unto the soon to be appearing lover, because I will happily continue celibate rather than cope with a lover who is crawling with ants. I mean, really: ewwww. I picked these in the dark, too, and so some of them are kind of ratty, and if that means I end up with a ratty lover, well shit.
But at any rate, they're in the bedroom, working their peonic magic, and I will keep you updated should that wildly unlikely thing, a date, appear in my life. Keep your fingers crossed. It may not work, but hell, goddess knows it's easier and cheaper and probably more efficient than Match.com.
In other news, like the new color scheme? These classes are paying off, bwah ha ha.
1 comment:
I had never heard that about peonies. My peonies normally stay out in the garden, but I think I may bring them in the house now. :D
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