Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cats and Birds

I like cats. I also like birds. These two things can sometimes be a bit difficult to reconcile, since its a cat eat bird world out there.

Hey new blogger bug! I cant use the apostrophe or, as it is sometimes called, the single quote. Big fun. I never use them right anyway, so no loss. Dig, my arrow keys seem to be disabled as well. Hmmmmm. The World Wide Web is a Weird and Wacky place, boys and girls, and I know that, because I just spent three hours learning javascript, or rather, a small bit of javascript wherein I can create a) a button and b) a popup window. Big thrills and chills.

To return to our story, which is suddenly less interesting, not that it was ever all that damn fascinating in the first place, this morning, when I went out to smoke a cigarette and brood over the vegetable garden, as I am wont to do of a morning, talk to the plants and all that good hippie shit, you know, I discovered that there had apparently been an Epic Battle in it last night. An Epic Battle between a cat (presumably Mr. Bill) and a bird (species unknown.) There are feathers all over the place, one of the pepper seedlings was knocked almost over, some of the corn seedlings were flattened and so on. This pissed me off - I dont want the damn cat in the veg garden, he thinks its just a big litterbox anyway - and also, Im kind of at a loss as to how to clean it up. There doesnt seem to be any actual corpse there (thank god) but there are a ton of feathers and fluffy down thats going to be almost impossible to pick up. Ick. God damn animals.

In other cat news, the last few times Ive been over at ABTech, there have been a bunch of extraordinarily well fed stray cats out in the back parking lot. Tonight, they were gone, and I am worried. I liked them and their insouciance and their general air of obese self containment. They wouldnt let me near them, but they seemed pretty healthy and happy in general, much more than usual stray cats. I hope some well meaning person trapped them and took them home, but Ill be sad if they just went off to the pound for execution, which is probably what happened.

It is freezing outside. I went out for a couple beers with my friend J last night and it was unbelievably cold according to the bank sign across the street, like 48 degrees, which is unheard of in the middle of May. It hasnt been warming up much during the day, either. I am worried about M, who is on an 8 day canoeing trip and who I just know didnt take a sweater or a coat, because he never does, and I am worried about me, who is getting crankier and crankier and wearing more and more clothes. Right now, for example, I think Ill give up, put on my flannel pajamas and go to bed under a pile of quilts. Welcome back winter.

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