Monday, September 03, 2007

what hath dog wrought

what hath dog wrought
Originally uploaded by mygothlaundry
I didn't do much this weekend. I wanted to; I wanted and meant to go camping, go tubing, go somewhere, but Saturday afternoon's hike was all I actually managed. Other than that I've just been puttering around the house doing basically nothing. I did go to K Mart today though and buy three small inflatable boats. One Man Boats is what the box says, with a picture of an 8 year old boy sitting in a boat and looking like he's not really enjoying himself. Hopefully the boats are actually fun and big enough for One Man and not just for One 8 Year Old. They were 7 bucks each, though, so how can I go wrong? I really want to take them out and float hither and thither. Only not in the French Broad around Asheville, because I'm not sure my immune system is up for it.

The only other thing I've done all weekend is mourn my music. I went through the chewed and shredded remnants and made a list of what's missing. Django did a fucking job this time - he got just about half of my CDs. And we're not even going to talk about the picture CDs he ate; let's just all be thankful for Flickr.

So, this is the list. A couple of people have already offered to burn me some copies and they ROCK and, okay, this is the part where I beg: if you have any of these and you can burn them for me I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Is it piracy? Considering that I bought them in the first place, no - and I'd still have them if it wasn't for my psycho dog. Why couldn't he just have eaten The Great Indian Masters that I got with a freeze dried pack of curry? But no, that one is still intact.

John Prine - In Spite of Ourselves (this one actually I can live without)
David Bowie - Hunky Dory (this has already been replaced, thank you K & J!)
James McMurtry, St. Mary of the Woods AND Walk Between the Raindrops (a friend has promised a copy of St. Mary, thank you, thank you, because these are vital)
Southern Culture on the Skids - Plastic Seat Sweat (my very first intro to SCOTS)
Grateful Dead - Dick's Picks Volume 20, CD 2 and some mix that someone made that had a whole lot of cool stuff on it. Argh. Argh.
Lucinda Williams - the self titled album. My favorite Lucinda album. That I can't live without.
Elvis Costello - Spike (I can also live without this one)
John Hiatt - Crossing Muddy Waters (this is another vital one that I need badly.)
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway
Robert Earl Keene - Gringo Honeymoon
Steve Earle - The Revolution Starts Now
NOFX - Punk in Drublic
Static X - Wisconsin Death Trip
Pogues - Rum, Sodomy and the Lash (I should just fucking kill this dog for this alone. And not kill him humanely, either.)
Oh Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack
Mary Prankster, the mix that had like all of her stuff on it that I love that I listen to on every roadtrip and argh, argh, argh.
Nanci Griffith - Other Voices, Other Rooms
Rage Against the Machine - Ghost of Tom Joad
Blues Live From Mountain Stage
and three or four mix CDs, that I made, that other people made for me, that can't really be replaced.


Anonymous said...

i can't answer for sure right now (i'm at work), but i think i can hook you up with the pogues and that sun kil moon album.

the fact that django is still alive after all that is testament to your admirable, saint-like patience

arratik said...

i also have if i should fall from grace with god if you need it. (couldn't find the sun kil moon - whcih sucks. i love mark kozelek)

arratik said...

while i was digging around for those pogues cds, i also found a copy of the o brother, where art thou? soundtrack that i forgot i had.

Shad Marsh said...

I can send you a copy of the Lucinda Williams, and I may have the Dicks picks Vol. 20.

mygothlaundry said...

Y'all ROCK. You are the BEST. This is so exciting! It also occurs to me that I should have listed CDs I didn't actually own but want and seen if I got any new stuff, heh. I am too honest for my own good. Thank you thank you thank you all!!!!!!!!!!