Thursday, November 24, 2005


I had every intention of blogging every minute of the thanksgiving prep today but you're in luck: I haven't done it. It's 1:19; dinner should happen between 4:30 and 5:00; the turkey went into the oven at 11:40; the turnips are done, except they shrank woefully, and so nobody gets more than a couple turnip slivers; both the cranberries are done; the potatos are peeled and chopped and boiling away; I'm going to do the onions next and then the carrots and then the broccoli. It's all well in hand. I'm wearing an apron. I talked to my younger brother briefly. Nothing, really, to report. Food music on the radio from WNCW and so, Thanksgiving. The kids are supposed to clean the house now. Yes. That is what they should be doing, not taking up space in the kitchen cooking frozen eggrolls in the toaster oven. Rotten kids of today. Why, when we were kids we had to walk 40 miles uphill in the snow to eat a turnip sliver.

1 comment:

Frisbee Girl said...

You're a rockstar.