Monday, May 04, 2009

Another Year Older

It's my birthday and despite being woken up over and over beginning at 6:45 this morning (the dogs think that's a good time to wake up and so, apparently, do the robo dialers at Charter Communications) I am not yet screamingly insane. Seems like a good start.

The cable guy came at the crack of dawn and took my TV away, which is no great loss. I haven't watched it for several months, so paying for it seemed a bit pointless. I was kind of hoping the cable guy would be drop dead gorgeous and my birthday could start with one of those Dear Penthouse I never believed it could happen to me but. . .episodes; unfortunately, or fortunately, the cable guy was not gorgeous and 8:15 in the morning is no time for pr0n. Deprived, therefore, of casual sex, I have started rereading Cold Comfort Farm, let the dogs in and out about 1500 times, mostly cleaned up the kitchen and reflected on the fact that you know you're getting older when there is a substantial amount of beer left over from your birthday party. Any minute now I'm going to take a shower and go buy some shoes and tomato cages. Then at 3:00, it will be time for the fun fun fun birthday extravaganza: taking three large dogs to the vet! Never let it be said that I don't know how to party.

The party was excellent. Thanks to Susan's voodoo dolls, the rain held off all night and so there was a bonfire and many people looking elegant on the porch - this dressing up for a party thing is really great - and it was totally wonderful to see everyone. Many old friends, many new friends, lots of beer being drunk (not enough, though. Good god, people! There's like a case of beer still here!) and we played Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, which also proves that we're getting older. It was an awesome party. It went on until almost 4 and then the next day we woke up and had delicious brunch at the Admiral, where they make a mean Bloody Mary, even if they do use that evil thing, pickled okra.

Susan and I went to the herb fair on Friday afternoon and I scored many excellent plants, most of which are in the gardens. The mosaic gardens are going along beautifully and, really nice, I have had several neighbors stop by to tell me how much they like them. One lady even brought me plates to add, great plates, although no one will ever bring a plate as amazingly wonderful as the plate Lee brought me from Atlanta, which shows the cast of Fame in all their 70s golden glory. I can't wait to put that one up and as soon as there's a day where it doesn't seem to want to start raining at any moment I will.

Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes and kind thoughts, the fabulous gifts and much joy. Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Hello Felicity,

My name is Eric Ketzer, and I a Manager at Charter Communications. Let me start by saying Happy Birthday...selfishly my birthday is my favorite day of the year, seems like it may be yours too. Sorry to hear that you disconnected the Cable service.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at

Hope the rest of you day is magical...Eric

Jeremy said...

Happy birthday, Felicity!