Sunday, December 31, 2006

Heart Attacks, Pictures of the Day & New Years Eve

Well, my friend S is having a party after all so I do have something to do for New Years Eve. Wooo hoooo. It's pouring rain, blah. Also in the blah category, I think I might be dying or something - I've been having weird as hell chest pains, pressure & dizziness for like 24 hours now. This is about the third time this has happened in the last ten days, too, most notably on Christmas Eve, when I also thought I was dying and yet, I lived. So this morning I thought I would go to the emergency room; however, as the day wore on and I didn't actually kick the bucket, I changed my mind.

Fuck it. If I'm going to croak, it'll be the kids' problem and not mine. They'll recover eventually and my problems will be over. Sure, it isn't a very good time for me to die for young M, but at least he's not like 8 or something. He's 15 and yeah, still needs his mother, if only for her chicken nugget heating abilities, but he'll be okay. So I decided that I'll wait until Tuesday & make an appointment with a doctor then. I have been a) under a lot of stress, which often tends to work itself out in physical ways and b) sick with a lingering cold/flu-y virus for the same 10 days which probably means that all this is just some symptom of that. Also, I have like hardly any risk factors for heart disease - in fact, just one, the smoking, which, as we know, stopped a month ago. Yes. One whole month without smokes. Dude.

But anyway, should I buy the farm, well, it's been great knowing you, happy 2007, please have a gigantic drunken Irish wake in my honor & if you could arrange a Viking funeral, that would rock.

Assuming my continued life, I'm going to start a new bloggie/photo project tomorrow right here at the Hangover Journals and also at Flickr. 365 Days is a project whereby I'm going to post a picture every single day for all of 2007. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop or change my blogging habits all that much - it just means that there will be a lot more images, which may mean a bit less text. Or it may not. We shall see. I'm excited about it and I think it will end up being kind of cool.

So, like, HAPPY NEW YEARS! 2007 already; damn, it's the future, when do I get my flying car?


Lee H. said...

Sorry to hear about the chest pains... yuck!! You're probably right about it being related to the lingering illness. Acheiness (sp? my spellchecker wants to change that to "Cheeriness," heh heh) is something I ALWAYS get when I'm fighting a cold or the flu.

I'm looking forward to your 365 project! Do you know, I was debating doing the same thing in 2007, and then last night (New Year's Eve) I broke my digital camera somehow. I'm taking that as a sign. I'm hoping it can be fixed, but meanwhile I'm jonesing over having NO digital camera in the house. I just know bigfoot is going to show up in my backyard or something.

mygothlaundry said...

Chest has cleared up and now my head is all stuffed. I swear, this is the virus that keeps on giving - it never goes away, just morphs to a new shape. Gaaaah. Oh Lee, no camera, aaaugghh! I actually got another camera - a little eeny Vivitar 3.2 mp thingy that my brother's old company gave him and that he then gave my son and that my son, after lengthy negotiations, agreed to give me in return for helping him clean his room, which I haven't done yet.