Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I usually hate Valentines Day. I mean, I hate it. I have hated it all my life; I resent it; I hate the way it brings my seemingly perpetual singleness up in my face; I hate the way it makes me feel jealous because other people get flowers and balloons and shit and then I feel guilty for feeling jealous, which is followed by feeling stupid for even caring about a whack ass commercial Hallmark holiday: the Valentines Trifecta of badness.

Until, that is, today. Today I am having the best Valentines ever. First off, I found $10 on the floor of my closet. Yeah. Then I went shopping and to lunch with my mother, and she got me some wonderful stuff which was incredibly sweet of her and we had a really lovely time together, and that made me very happy. Then I went and bought some balloons and I tied balloons to A's car antenna in the parking lot of where she works, and I went and secretly tied a balloon on each of my girlfriend J's doors to surprise them. Then I came home and discovered that I had received a ton of cyber valentines via Metachat and I am just so happy and overwhelmed with warm happy glowy feelings, it's not like me at all. This me is vastly preferable.

so Happy Valentines everyone, it really is about the love.


Edgy Mama said...

Hurrah! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you're still around. Happy Yalentine's to you.


Sweet Tea said...

Happy belated Valentines!!! I'm glad that it was lovely. The balloon idea is great. I'll have to try that one next year.

Deborah said...

It was the bestest of V'days and Metachat was a huge part of it for me too. Big hugs!!