Friday, September 29, 2006

A Quick Political Post

The other night he who shall not be blogged about discovered some new information about his beloved 1960s age of revolution online. "Hey mom!" he called, "Check this out! Here's this guy who blew up a CIA building with a home made bomb in 1969 and guess what happened to him?"
"No idea," I said, fully planning to ignore this.
"He got 39 months in prison," said my son, "What do you think would happen if somebody did that nowadays?"
Well. What do YOU think would happen, gentle reader? I think probably that bomb building university student would go off to Gitmo where his legs would be "pulpified" and then, likely, if he was poor he would just disappear and die, and if he was rich he might make it back to the States where he would be in jail for the rest of his miserable life. Unless he got the death penalty.
And I ask you, where the fuck did we go so wrong?

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