Saturday, August 26, 2006


So, finally I have experienced something that I had only ever heard about before: food poisoning. Mild food poisoning, at least I guess it was mild - I certainly don't ever, ever want to try out the severe kind, even for purposes of scientific comparison. The strange thing about it is that I knew, immediately, when the symptoms started, what it was: the chicken salad. The dastardly chicken salad, from a place I used to love to go for lunch but where I will never go again. It hadn't tasted quite the same, but oh well and I scarfed it down and was fine - until six hours later, when I began to feel not so good, and then, of course, about 4 hours after that all my insides decided that they needed to become outsides, right then.

Eeeeurgh. I think perhaps I will creep pitifully back to bed now. I hate being sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

water!!! stay hydrated. hope you feel much better very, very soon, sweet lady.
peace, the high monkey monk