Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Public Service Announcement

The Animal Compassion Network here is organizing a rescue for abandoned pets in New Orleans. They're looking for temporary foster homes for those pets, and, I imagine, a few permanent homes as well. These are good people and they do good work, so if you can support them in any way, please do.

After I read about this I asked the dogs if we could take in a foster pet. Unfortunately, A was in the kitchen, and she overheard me talking to the dogs. All I'd said was "Guys? Hey, dog guys?" They weren't listening because they were trying to simultaneously insert each other's heads into their mouths. No. Wait. That makes no sense. The English language may not have a sentence that adequately describes what the dogs were trying to do. At any rate, A started making noises of scorn and condescension because I was addressing the dogs as "dog guys." Well, they are. Dog guys, I mean. It's not quite as awful as it was when the kids used to call me Mom Dude. Or Dude Mom.

So then I asked the dog guys, and they were all for it, but A started shrieking "NO! Have you lost your mind?!" from the kitchen and I had to admit, as I fell over a dog, that she had a point. I could hear the dog guys thoughts and they weren't really all that charitable. Something about getting in a little yappy Pomeranian and seeing if they could swallow it whole. A hadn't covered that aspect yet, she was mainly thinking about the ankle deep drifts of dog fur in the hallway, and the dawn chorus of howling.

Anyway, the cat guys would kill me. Or kill small furry animals and dump them in my bed again. Or, which is, as we know, far far worse, bring in live furry animals for my bed. And evacuee animals are already traumatized enough, life in this household is the last thing they need. I thought about taking in a human evacuee, but the only room I have is M's, and my gourd mold experiments are going on in there right now, plus, even without the 6' cardboard Boba Fett, it's a little, um, under decorated. Not to mention that he'll be home in a week or two.

But if you have space, please consider it. Or, if you have money, please donate that. I don't have either at the moment (the big job search is now underway! I updated my resume! Do you think Galliard is too weird of a font to use on my resume?) but if I had I would be giving what I could and I'm sure that you are too.

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