Sunday, February 27, 2005

Old Homework Revisited

I wood like to visit my pirate uncle becws he was cool and I like pirates becws they got to travel all over the world and they got to have a ship. And get to Barry gold and shoot people and blo up ships. But my uncle was blockade runner so he was not that bad but he was still cool so that’s one. Of my family hers a not her I wood also like to visit the first one of my family so if he made fire I wood be his best fiend and I would also want to ride a wollmathna and I whold teach them to fight and to teach them to defend them sells so that’s it bye leve now no not my eye!!!!

My son M, from a couple years back - I just found this and couldn't resist posting it. I had forgotten all about this one - asked the kids who in their family history they would like to go back in time to visit. I like the idea of finding the very first person ever in your family & teaching him to make fire, hee hee, and a wollmathna, for those with spelling issues, is a woolly mammoth.

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