Thursday, December 09, 2004

Alcohol, hormones, men and stuff

I have been on this horribly formatted emailing list for a couple weeks now and I had pretty much decided that there was nothing they could teach me until tonight, when I drank too much like the fool I am. This whole week I was thinking, you know, what I have is, like, a hormone problem, given that when my period starts wending it's way around, I tend to get drunk as a skunk, and that' s uncool, but okay, it's hormones. Most of the time, I thought, I am fine.

TMI but at the moment I am in the middle of my cycle, and by the time I got off work tonight all I wanted was a beer or 6. So I went out for a couple of drinks with my friend D and then my friend J met us there - at the New New - and I drank, over the course of not so very many hours, 5 beers. Which is not moderation no matter how you want to cut it.

And it wasn't okay, because I took the drunken opportunity to tell J the grisly truth about her horrible boyfriend. He IS horrible, and I am so tired of hearing her defend him, when all that is happening is that she is making like the proverbial rug and he is dutifully walking all over her. It groweth, forsooth, old as shit. But I said some stuff I would just as soon as not have, being that I am a conflict avoider of major proportions, and the stuff I said was incendiary, since I told her that he comes on to any woman within eyesight, including me. It's true, of course, but probably I shouldn't have said anything. Now she will go home and tell him what I said and he will deny it and she will believe him and then he will call me and ream me out and then she will call me and ream me out and all in all it isn't worth it. I shouldn't have said a word. She hasn't believed me yet about any of the foul, utterly foul, things he has done and said, so I should just learn to keep my fool mouth closed.

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