Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why It's All the Republican's Fault & Spam Poetry

I think I’m turning into my brother, but I swear – before the election my life was going okay. Not great, but okay. Since the election everything’s gone to hell. I think the Republicans trained their evil mind control machines on me in the voting booth – they made my son act up, messed with my teeth, overdrew my bank account and now they have broken my car. DAMN the xtian insect overlords! DAMN THEM, I say!

I've been getting good spam lately. It's so beautiful . . I can't bear to just discard it. So, here are three recent selections - poetry from Mars:

From Leila Yed to Cecil Kconnov: No Ruse......Real Ability! the such case of enquiry that set up another wonder specifics, has now established a radical herbal lozenge that can addition your penis volume by 3" to 5" in precisely a couple of short hebdomads! Just swallow 1 these tablets every solar day. . . It will create your phallus growth a huge 38%!

From Esther Cpupet to Isold Vrtoonm: Have you ever ruminate how much a common fellow hires for his medicament? Analgesics, tablets to meliorate the quality of life, mass trim down specific, and much more. Our company lead you the equivalent remedy, the vegetable reading - the equivalent choice, the equivalent formula at a greatly sensible price.

From Clarence Zbeqcy to Dave Hnrerc: A late survey displays that it requires usual of just 1.3drinkings to produce a hangover. But my tablets assistances you avoid hangovers and awaken sentient splendid from head to abdomen and everyplace else.

I love these. I want to awaken sentient splendid from head to abdomen, I want the vegetable reading and the tablets to meliorate my quality of life, and I want it all in a couple of short hebdomads. Oh yeah.

1 comment:

mygothlaundry said...

Yeah, the names are the best. I always imagine the town where Leila Yed lives, right down the street from Isabel Vrtoonm & Dave Hnrerc. . .