Thursday, July 14, 2005

Holy Shit - Impoverished Lady of Leisure

I've been laid off. As of 45 minutes ago. My position has been discontinued. This isn't really a shock - I've kind of been expecting it for two months. Wait, what am I saying? FUCK YEAH IT'S A SHOCK! I'm freaking out - quietly. I've never been laid off before. Now I have to go apply for unemployment. Holy, holy shit. Now I HAVE to find a new job and fast. Now. . now things are different. Now I have a theme for my party on Saturday: it's called the Felicity's Been Laid Off Party. Holy jesus fuck, sweet mary & all the blessed saints. Or something. Whoa. Instant poverty, just add weirdness.

To top the strangeness of it all, today my boss had me go pick up his kids & drive them to the pediatrician's office. And then I was thinking I would quit. And then I got laid off. And then my boss and I got into a terminally strange conversation about relationships. But I didn't wig out, I just came home. I have to go back in tomorrow & get all my stuff & tie up loose ends & then that's it. It's all over.

I knew I should never have gone back into restaurants. But, you know, he could have been an asshole about it and fired me - some evil bosses would have. There is no recourse when that happens. Instead he nicely terminated the position and laid me off so I'm eligible for unemployment. I should be thankful. I am thankful. I am FREAKING OUT.


Anonymous said...

Well, I had no idea. Only until I got to the party did I know. Damn! But you're talented, smart and I'm sure you can find something... Let me know if I can help!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Fliss! I'm very sorry to read this.

Please get in touch... (lost your addy)
