Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sure, He's Cute

django run
Originally uploaded by mygothlaundry.
Yeah, he's adorable, but arrrrggggggghhhhhh! Yesterday he peed on my bed and then, in case that wasn't enough, he got into my closet and took out all my shoes, which he redistributed around the house and yard before settling in to eat one of my favorite, favorite clogs. Grrrrrrr. That is why he and Theo are now locked in the kitchen when there's noone home, which isn't fair to Theo, but oh well, them's the breaks. I've never been one of the crate people, because Toby was claustrophobic and hated them totally, and Phineas, the awful Shih Tzu (Shih Tz'livingroom) just shat all over his and spread it everywhere and after that experience, I decided I never wanted another shih tzu or another crate. So no crate for young Django, but oh. my. god. I had forgotten the true scale of the destruction a puppy can create in a very short amount of time.

While walking down the street, said by a very drunk guy outside the College St. Pub: "If you're being chased by a bear, what you want to do, see, is run downhill."
"Naaaaaah. No way."
"Yeah, I swear. Run downhill."
At work, one geologist referring to another geologist:

"Well, he's a sedimentary guy."


Edgy Mama said...

OMG, is that the cutest puppy ever!

But, yeah, a lot of work. I fostered a dog last year only to discover that the dog and my four-year-old were a dangerous, destructive combination.

At one point, I walked in the living room to see the two of them playing tug-of-war with one of the sofa cushions. Sigh. I have yet to recover it, and it drools stuffing all over the house.

mygothlaundry said...

Yeah, puppy accounted for a corner of my antique leather chair today. Grrrrrrrrrr.